Monday, August 24, 2009

Smile, Kellan!!!

john-ashley-kellan, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

These actors stand in a teeny-small room and thousands of fans shuffle through to get their pictures made with them. THOUSANDS. This was Kellan and Ashley's second day of photo shoots, and I can tell you first hand...smiling for extended periods of time HURTS!!!!

Cat and John

john-and-catherine-for-web3, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Again with Cat. She is infectious...

Jumping for joy

john-and-catherine-for-web4, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Catherine Hardwicke. Very, very cool.

Ashley Greene

johnashley2, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

So, so beautiful.

Peter and John

john-Peter2, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

So, Peter Facinelli is a very sweet and funny guy. Click on the photo to go to the full size version...and you can see exactly what brand of underwear our favorite vampire doc prefers...

Kellan and John

johnkellan2-2, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Here Kellan is holding his hat before he signed it. He wanted to put it on, but he waited to do when we were backstage.

John and Kellan

johnkellan1-2, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Yeah, he was kind of shocked to see "his" hat...

Peter, John, Billy

john-peter-billy, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

My Two Dads...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bella's Green Floral Burn-Out Hoodie

Green floral hoodie, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Here is a picture of the hoodie in outdoor lighting. It's more of an olive green than grey in person, and the use of special lighting in the film makes it appear different colors. See pictures from the film below.

The Twilight Costume Collection

Bella's green floral hoodie, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

My most recent addition to The Twilight Costume Collection is Bella's green floral burn-out hoodie. This is a very important piece, as it's worn in the film longer than any other top. First seen in the "I have a date with Edward Cullen" scene, Bella wears this hoodie to the Vampire Baseball game and subsequently at her house as she packs, the Cullens foyer & garage and finally in Carlisle's Mercedes as Alice and Jasper take her to Phoenix. Here are screen caps of Kristen Stewart wearing the top in all of the featured scenes. Click on the image to see the pictures in a larger format.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I loved Edward Before The Movie...

I just felt like posting this bumper sticker that I made when I first heard that TWILIGHT was being made into a film. o_O

Twilight dolls

Amazon-Edward-Prom2, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

By far, the Robert Tonner TWILIGHT dolls are reigning the market over all other Twilight figures and collectables. Last years release of Bella and Edward was followed recently by "Hungry" Edward, a limited release of 300 dolls at the San Diego Comic Con. Just announced was Tonner's Edward and Bella in their prom costumes from TWILIGHT, available only through AMAZON.COM this October. Knowing Tonner, the outfits will be of superior quality.

In November, Mattel will be releasing their Twilight dolls of Edward and Bella, both dressed in their iconic "forest" costumes. Edward sparkles...a first for any official Edward Cullen doll or figure.

Tonner's Prom Edward

Amazon-Edward-Prom1, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Click on the photo for HD Photo options.

Tonner's Prom Bella

Amazon-Bella-Prom2, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Click for larger HD photo options.

Tonner's Prom Bella

Amazon-Bella-Prom1, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Click on the photo for larger HD options.

Mattel - Bella Swan

Twilight-mattel-Bella, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Click for HD picture options.

Edward Cullen - Mattel

Twilight-mattel-Edward, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Click for HD picture options.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Love Song

The-Him, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Head under water
And you tell me to breathe easy for a while
breathing gets harder, even I know that
You made room for me but it's too soon to see
If I'm happy in your hands

I'm unusually hard to hold on to
Blank stares at blank pages
No easy way to say this
You mean well, but you make this hard on me
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it
Makes a break in this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better
Reason to write you a love song today

I learned the hard way
That they all say things you want to hear
And my heavy heart sinks deep down under you and
Your twisted words,
Your help just hurts
You are not what I thought you were
Hello to high and dry
Convinced me to please you
Made me think that I need this too
I'm trying to let you hear me as I am

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's
Make or breaking this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better
Reason to write you a love song today

Promise me that you'll leave the light on
To help me see with daylight, my guide, gone
'cause I believe there's a way you can love me
Because I say
I won't write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's make or breaking this
Is that why you wanted a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's make or breaking this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If your heart is nowhere in it
I don't want it for a minute
Babe, I'll walk the seven seas when I believe that
There's a reason to
Write you a love song today

Xavier Roberts

john-xavier-2, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Many of you who know me know that I've been an avid collector of Xavier Robert's LITTLE PEOPLE and CABBAGE PATCH KIDS since their inception in 1978. Here I am with Xavier at the 25th anniversary birthday launch of the original Coleco Cabbage Patch Kids from 1983 at Toys R Us in Times Square. Xavier is a great guy...he even wrote a small forward for my children's book that came out in 2002.

Caren Marsh-Doll

John Caren Kiss, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Caren and I have worked together at Oz conventions for the past 3 years. She was Judy Garland's stand-in and co-choreographer for the 1939 film and is still amazingly gorgeous. She stand (barely) 5ft tall in heels, and radiates the Golden Age of Hollywood with every breath she takes. She signed her blue and white checked dress from the film, and also put on her ruby slippers...which she hadn't stepped into since 1939. Check out her autobiography on

Broadway Bears 2007

sebastian-John-Stephanie, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

With Elphaba herself, Stephenie J. Block, and her husband Sebastian Arceles at Broadway Bears 2007. Steph was on hand to auction off my ELPHABA bear and Sebastian auctioned off Maureen from RENT. Sebastian played Roger in RENT on Broadway in 2005.

The WICKED bears

CIMG2520, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

All of the WICKED bears reunited for the unveiling of "POPULAR" Glinda, the 2008 Broadway Bear from WICKED. All of the bears pictured were designed and created by me, to raise money for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. The bears make their annual debut at The Wizard of Oz festival in Chesterton, IN. To date I have single handedly raised nearly $50k for the charity!

The Twilight Costume Collection

CIMG3089, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Here is the costume collection that was on disply for TWITOUR. Several pieces have been added since.

The cover model meets the costume guy...

CIMG3032, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

There is a lot of downtime during conventions, so here Kimbra and I replicate the cover of the Twilight novel. We were bored...but had a blast just shootin' the breeze.

Kimbra Hickey

john-and-kembrahickey, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Who is Kimbra Hickey, you say? Well...she just happens to have the most famous hands in all of literary history! Kimbra was the model for Stephenie Meyer's first novel, TWILIGHT. The symbology of the hands holding the "forbidden fruit" has become synonomous with the Twilight franchise, inspiring apple jewelry, clothes, candles, lotion and perfume.

John Henson to Costume "NEW MOON" parody

hillywood, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

The Hillywood Show has become extraordinarily famous for their spoof of TWILIGHT on YouTube. The 2nd film in the Twilight Saga franchise is NEW MOON, due out in theaters on November 20, 2009 from Summit Entertainment. Shortly following the theatrical release, The Hillwood Show will premiere their NEW MOON spoof. On board to produce and reproduce costumes from the show is costume designer John Henson, who has a list of credits that include working with costumes from Broadways RENT, WICKED and LEGALLY BLONDE. His personal passion for Twilight lead him to curate the worlds largest TWILIGHT SAGA costume collection, featuring screen worn costumes and exact reproductions. Check out The Hillywood Show TWILIGHT parody on YouTube:

And the teaser for the NEW MOON parody:

My two dads?

john-peter-billy, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Peter has always been very hug-gy with me...but Billy was pulling his tough-guy pose here. In "real" life...these guys are proud dads and normal, every day joe's. Not to mention that Pete is married to Jenny Garth...only one of the hottest chicks from my adolecent years.

"Is that my hat?"

It's only a game...

I see a man...a man with no product in his hair.

johnashley, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Alice's visions are subject to change, but she sure saw me coming without any hair gel. Ashley Greene is radiantly beautiful. Why on earth did they dumb down her features for Twilight? It's a complete contradiction.

Dr. Cullen, I can see your underwear...

john-Peter, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Would I love Peter Facinelli any more if his underwear weren't showing in this picture? Probably not, but I have to give props to the man for taking his vampire-status with such an aire of humble-ness.

Kellan Lutz

Kellan and John, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

What can I say about this guy that hasn't already been said? Kellan is a great guy. Besides being incredibly gifted in the "looks" department, homeslice is a great actor. You know how Stephenie Meyer wrote about how her vampires are hard as stone? Kellan's abs fit that bill perfectly. We're backstage here and he's modeling one of his baseball hats from TWILIGHT. Kellan is featured in the remake of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, playing the role that Johnny Depp made famous. In all the movies that Kellan stars in...he either dies or is already dead. What's wit dat??!! Kudos to you Kellz, you're a trooper for entertaining thousands of girls at these conventions...

My time with Catherine Hardwicke

John with Catherine Hardwicke, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

So, being involved with curating the TWILIGHT SAGA film costumes has put me in contact with some pretty groovy people. Cat Hardwicke was the Indie genious behind the first TWILIGHT saga film adaptation, and is a very mellow and talented visionary. For all of you nay-sayers who think the film wasn't good, I suggest you look at how influential the casting, sets, costumes and art direction, in general, has impacted the Twilight fan community. She's currently working on an updated version of HAMLET starring Emile Hirsch.

Kate Shindle auctions off Elle Bear

kateshindlelegallyblondebear, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

Here's Kate Shindle (Vivian Kensington)from Legally Blonde:The Musical auctioning off my Broadway Bear of Elle Woods at last years BROADWAY BEARS auction. Here's a nifty article that featured the bear, but only mentioned my name next to the Glinda bear. Interesting...

OMIGOD, YOU GUYS!! Legally Blonde news...

legally-blonde-costume, originally uploaded by jhartnow.

You all know that Legally Blonde is a favorite movie of mine, and subsequently went on to be one of my favorite Broadway musicals. I was fortunate to work with the costumes for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS last year, creating Elle's "First Day at Harvard" costume. I was fascinated by her pink leather coat (faux, of course!) that Gregg Barnes designed. To my delight, I now own one of those pink coats, and it prompted me to post the new LEGALLY BLONDE costume that's coming out in time for Halloween this year. Based on the pink pleather suit that Reese Witherspoon wore in the film, the three piece replica looks to be made of polyester or a poly spandex (Typical for cheap(er) Halloween costumes). They did pay close attention to the cut of the costume, though, right down to the slits in the sleeves. I like the "LB" zipper pull that's on it. Very cute.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Last 5 Years...

August 3, 2004...5 years ago to the day...I was a different person. I can't believe so much time has passed and how, at times, it's gone by at both light speed and a snail's pace.

Amazing things have happened in these five years. I was in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. I continued my work with Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS with the Broadway Bears, working on both RENT and WICKED. I travel(ed) far and wide to Oz festivals promoting the WICKED bears. I was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic. I became obsessed with TWILIGHT and subsequently the costumes, which has lead to displays at TWILIGHT conventions and a gig costuming the upcoming NEW MOON spoof by THE HILLYWOOD SHOW. Most recently, I was hired as costume designer for Trustus Theatre's RENT. Dad sold his beach house and moved back to Columbia.

I haven't been the most social when it comes to meeting new people, but I have been on some dates. I even dated a guy for 10 no avail. "Cages or wings, which do you prefer? Ask the birds..."- Jonathan Larson. I suppose that, when and if I meet the right person, I'll think about settling down. I was spooked by a Stevie Nicks interview this past weekend. She's never been married. She's never had a long-term partner. She's never experienced it because nobody will commit to such a BIG and PASSIONATE person. It's crazy. She'a 60! We all crave companionship...and even if you're a little loose around the belt and have rendez-vous' galore without's still your way of working out the need for company. Unless you're doing it for money...and just the money. Then you're a ho.

On the TWILIGHT side of all know that I've always leaned heavily on the TEAM EDWARD side of life, and that NEW MOON nearly crushed me (emotionally). And don't judge me by this statement...I know it's not Shakespeare, but I related. Give a boy-man a chance, aight? Looking forward to NEW MOON. As far as the films go, the character of Jacob is growing on me. So, Team Edward or Team Jacob? Or should I say Team Rob or Team Taylor?

I'm going with Team Threesome. ;O )