Monday, August 3, 2009

The Last 5 Years...

August 3, 2004...5 years ago to the day...I was a different person. I can't believe so much time has passed and how, at times, it's gone by at both light speed and a snail's pace.

Amazing things have happened in these five years. I was in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. I continued my work with Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS with the Broadway Bears, working on both RENT and WICKED. I travel(ed) far and wide to Oz festivals promoting the WICKED bears. I was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic. I became obsessed with TWILIGHT and subsequently the costumes, which has lead to displays at TWILIGHT conventions and a gig costuming the upcoming NEW MOON spoof by THE HILLYWOOD SHOW. Most recently, I was hired as costume designer for Trustus Theatre's RENT. Dad sold his beach house and moved back to Columbia.

I haven't been the most social when it comes to meeting new people, but I have been on some dates. I even dated a guy for 10 no avail. "Cages or wings, which do you prefer? Ask the birds..."- Jonathan Larson. I suppose that, when and if I meet the right person, I'll think about settling down. I was spooked by a Stevie Nicks interview this past weekend. She's never been married. She's never had a long-term partner. She's never experienced it because nobody will commit to such a BIG and PASSIONATE person. It's crazy. She'a 60! We all crave companionship...and even if you're a little loose around the belt and have rendez-vous' galore without's still your way of working out the need for company. Unless you're doing it for money...and just the money. Then you're a ho.

On the TWILIGHT side of all know that I've always leaned heavily on the TEAM EDWARD side of life, and that NEW MOON nearly crushed me (emotionally). And don't judge me by this statement...I know it's not Shakespeare, but I related. Give a boy-man a chance, aight? Looking forward to NEW MOON. As far as the films go, the character of Jacob is growing on me. So, Team Edward or Team Jacob? Or should I say Team Rob or Team Taylor?

I'm going with Team Threesome. ;O )

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